Design code consultation – Wychavon Central and North

Wychavon is working with Create Streets to come up with a design code for the district. This is a chance for you to influence how your town, village or street is developed.

Design codes will become an important part of the planning system in the future. They will set out to developers, housebuilders and architects what is required, in detail, from their proposed plans before they are even submitted, guaranteeing standards are upheld and removing the uncertainty which can lead to delays in the planning process.

The codes can include everything from the type of material that can be used to whether buildings should avoid being north-facing so it’s easier to install solar panels on them.

Having a design code will not replace the need for planning permission or remove the rights of residents to object or comment on individual planning applications. But by requiring developers to build to the design code, it means planners can ensure new development is better suited to towns and villages and is good quality, sustainable and helps communities flourish.

Input from residents is critical to the process of producing the code and consultations for the Evesham, Pershore and Droitwich Spa areas are now live. The Evesham South consultation took place in the autumn of 2022.

Using the links below, you can visit the Create Streets interactive map where you can comment on different buildings and aspects of current design in your area, as well as make your own suggestions about good design you would like to see more of in the future.

The deadline to have your say is 1 February 2023. If you are unsure which area you fit in then click on the links and the areas covered by that consultation will be shaded in red on the map.

Take the Wychavon Central (Evesham, Pershore and surrounding areas) design code consultation.

Take the Wychavon North (Droitwich Spa and surrounding areas) design code consultation.

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